For specific information regarding the content of the talks mentioned below, please refer to the relevant pages accessed through the ‘
Lectures’ page.
Andy is happy to consider composing new lectures on specific subjects by arrangement.
Calendar of Events2019
• 8 November, [Friday]: Buckingham.
Bottom’s Up! Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham MK18 1RP.. Fundraiser for Cancer Research UK. 6.30pm for 7.30pm. £12.50.
• 12 November, [Tuesday]: The Art Society, Dorking.
The Genius of René Lalique. Martineau Hall, Reigate Road, Dorking RH4 1SG. 10.30am.
• 16 November, [Saturday]: Yatley, near Guilford.
‘Beyond The Roadshow’. Yately School, School Lane, Yatley, GU46 6NW. 6.30 for 7.30. In aid of the Sean Devereaux Trust.
• 21 November, [Thursday]: Mendip AS.
5000 Years of Glass study day. Croscombe Village Hall, Fayre Way, Croscombe, Somerset. BA5 3RA. 10am.
• 23 February, [Sunday]: Paperweight Collectors’ Circle.
The Genius of René Lalique. Red Lion Hotel, Whittlesford, Cambridge CB22 4NL.
• 1 April, [Wednesday]: Westerham Fine Art Society.
The Genius of René Lalique. Westerham Hall, Quebec Ave, London Road, Westerham TN16 1BG. 7 for 8pm.
• 17 April, [Friday]: Arts Society Wokingham.
5000 Years of Glass study day. Wokingham Theatre, Twyford Road, Wokingham RG40 5TU. 10am-3pm.
• 20 April, [Monday]: Art Society North West Norfolk.
Bottoms Up! study day. 10am -3pm.
• 22 April, [Wednesday]: Malta Art Society. Study Day. Details TBA.
• 30 April, [Thursday]: Art Society Highgate.
Subject TBA. Highgate Literary & Scientific Institute, 11 South Grove, Highgate, London N6 6BS. 11am.
• 9 September, [Wednesday]: AS Speyside.
The Drinking Glass, Ancient to Modern. Williamson Hall, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1QS. 11am.
• 9 September, [Wednesday]: Art Society Grampian.
The Impact of Glass. Robert Gordon’s University, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen. AB10 7AQ 7.30pm.
• 10 September, [Thursday]: Art Society Highland.
5000 Years of Glass in 60-ish Minutes. Smithton Free Church, 1 Murray Rd, Smithton, Inverness IV2 7YU. 2.15pm.
• 21 October, [Wednesday]: Malvern Art Society.
5000 Years of Glass In 60 [-ish] Minutes.
• 21 April, [Wednesday]: Leeds AS. Details TBA.